Thursday 24 September 2015

How Important are the Social Media Agencies Actually

Using social media to broadcast a few company updates or promotion posts through tweets and some Facebook posts will not help a business gain and retain an engaged community of followers. These tactics are not "social", in fact, this is a form of outbound communication from an organization to people who are fans on their social media streams.   Listening along with passing the message is very important and it is a smart idea to let the efficient and proficient social media agency do the needful their way.

In order to deliver significant value to all the fans of a community the brand needs to first understand the audience. Who is a brands audience? In which social media channels are they present? What kind of content do they like to see?  The type of strategy to follow to have the best impact depends on the answers to these questions.

Only a good digital marketing agency UAE can offer the right kind of strategy to catapult your brand to another level on social media. Beware however to not go for agencies that simply claim they are ‘social media experts’ but don’t have the expertise or the experience to offer solutions for your businesses unique deals. A good social media agency will study your business, find its problems, assess the possibilities and then devise a strategy for you.

A proper Digital marketing agency UAE are well qualified and well equipped to handle all your social media activities including brand activations and campaigns both focused on online and offline.  

Agencies specialized in Social Media have brought results to business owners like never before. In a February 2011 report of Altimeter Group it was disclosed that 59% of the companies use boutique of social media agencies as compared to 35% that still use conventional agencies in their social business activities. Meanwhile, it was discovered through a 2011 Ad agency report that 60% of digital services revenue actually came from the digital-specialty agencies.

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