Thursday 26 February 2015

How Digital Marketing Agency in Dubai Helps You Promote Your Business?

Digital marketing is the new form of marketing where brands reach their target audience, communicate and engage with them through the  electronic media on devices such as personal computers, laptops, smart phones, tablets. In the present era of digitized world, digital marketing concept applies to a wide variety of mediums resulting from the latest technological advancements and includes websites, emails, apps and social networks. Social media marketing has become an inevitable part of digital marketing. Many organizations use a combination of traditional as well as digital marketing options as part of their marketing strategy.

When compared to the traditional marketing techniques, their digital counterparts have the upper hand for the following reasons.
  • Leveled Playing Field– Any business can compete with its competitor regardless of its size if they have a solid digital marketing strateg
  •  Reduced Cost – The investment for digital marketing when compared with the traditional marketing methods is very less and the reach of digital marketing is very high.

It was in the period of 2000 - 2010 that digital marketing became sophisticated and started to be an effective tool to create relationship with the customer. During this period, understanding the importance of digital marketing, a number of Digital marketing agencies sprung up in the advanced markets with high internet penetration. Dubai being one of the most important business hubs in the world, most of these agencies started concentrated in this region.

A Digital marketing agency in Dubai extends its services in the two main areas of SEO and Social Media. These agencies are experts and specialised in the field of search engine optimization, content development, blog set up and publishing meeting the customer needs. Their speciality extends into link building and online PR. Another area of expertise for the digital agency, Dubai is in the field of Digital Advertising. The digital marketing agencies are experts in SEM (Search Engine Marketing), Paid search, PPC, Display ad re-marketing and even call tracking. They have their expert hands in the field of video production and marketing, web designing, web development and hosting, mobile text and SMS marketing.

Some of the recent development with the Digital marketing agency Dubai is that more focus has been given to segmentation with in digital marketing for the purpose of targeting specific areas in both business to business and business to customer sectors. Another recent development is influence marketing where Important or key nodes are identified within the related groups who are identified as influencers. This has become an important means of digital targeting. The influencers are reached through paid advertising such as FaceBook or Google Adsense campaigns or through semi sophisticated SCRM software like the Microsoft Dynamic or the Salesforce CRM.

The agencies like the digital agency Dubai are full service online marketing firms that assure profitable revenue for its customers across multiple digital touch points. They have clear and proven track record working at various business sectors like the manufacturing, technology, education, healthcare and financial services. 

Friday 20 February 2015

Promote Your Products with 3D Animations and Explainer Videos

From product pages to blogs and article hubs, you will find thousands of videos online. Some of these videos explain the product and how to use it, while others list out the benefits or provide maintenance tips. Whatever be the reason, videos are being used by many marketing agencies to promote specific products or services. If you too want to use this most effective technique to popularize your company’s product/service in say Dubai, then you should look for a good 3D animation company in Dubai.

The animation company will create videos that meet your marketing requirements. When you avail for explainer video services in Dubai, the company starts with developing a script to showcase your message in the form of a video. The story board provides screen shots and scene descriptions to give you a feel of the way the video would look. In order to for the company to prepare an interesting video script, it is imperative that you provide them with a detailed description of your requirement along with the message you would like to be presented to your audience. The idea is to identify the USP of the product or service and create a plot that revolves around it.

The animation video are best when it is short and crisp, right enough to capture the full attention of the viewer. With long videos, audience loses their attention and the message is not effectively reached to the audience. The video normally starts with the problem that the product or service of the company is addressing followed by the solution and the way it is affected. This is followed by the company’s expertise and how they differentiate from the competition. If you’re describing a product using the explainer video, it is advisable to use 3D animation to present the product more effectively. Explainer videos are also very effective to explain installation, repair or maintenance. Other applications are e-learning, training videos and promotional videos.

The 3D animation company in Dubai that you chose to award the job should be able to utilise all the information provided to create an interactive video that will instantly grab the attention of the viewers. Videos can be developed in different styles, using typography, iconography which is vector animation, white board animation as well as using 2D animation. Advanced product descriptions incorporate 3D animations to give enhanced effects.

Though there are many companies offering explainer videos services in Dubai, not all of them offer international quality services. So, you should do a lot of careful research about the company’s background, its previous projects and the results before you even approach them for your project.

Thursday 12 February 2015

Advertising Agencies in Dubai Help You Create Effective Advertising Strategies

Advertising is an important element of every business’ marketing mix. Effective advertising is the key to the growth of any company or organization. It fuels two objectives, customer acquisition and customer retention. In order to acquire clients and customers, it is necessary to inform them about your business, and the services and products you offer. Once the message is communicated to reach your target audience, they get enticed to give your products and services a try. Acquiring a customer is the primary and hardest task. Retaining the customer then depends on the quality of your product or service offering. To achieve this objective, the best option for you as a business is to approach a good branding agency Dubai. They ensure that your advertising strategies attract your target customers.

An effective advertisement campaign is critical is getting your message across to your target audience. Several Advertisement channels and mediums exist. The conventional methods include audio-visual television and radio commercials, print ads in newspapers, direct marketing using pamphlets, outdoor advertising using hoardings which all could be effective depending on your target audience. Well, nowadays you have even better ways to advertise your business. With the advent of technology and social media, new ways have opened up for advertising and branding. Advertising on the internet opens up a whole lot of opportunities for you. Advertising agencies in Dubai do this really well. They know exactly what attracts the audience. So, they create advertisement incorporating the most appropriate elements.

Social media marketing is another effective tool these days. Uploading posts, photos, and videos on the social media gets your message across to a wide audience giving your message thousands of views a day. When prospective customers and clients view your ad, it helps in brand recall and brand recognition. Creative messages stay in their minds for long. This is the strategy for new age marketing. Devise your branding strategy and reflect that on social media. A branding agency in Dubai could help you out with this. Regularly updating your profile and appearing on news feeds of your target audience with creative messages will prompt them to share and like your posts. This makes your posts visible to their friends. This goes on as a chain making your message viral and high visibility for your brand.

Advertising agencies in Dubai take care of all your advertising requirements. They also host trade shows and device video marketing strategies to attract customers. They are update with the current marketing trends and understand what exactly works for your brand. They specialize in different industries with industry specific activities. A reputed and well experienced company like Zynosure is what you need as your marketing partner for effective marketing of your products and services. Our marketing experts are well informed and research the market thoroughly before suggesting a strategy. We support in all aspects of creating a name in the market and help you climb the ladders of success really easily and effectively.