Thursday 23 July 2015

Why is Social Media Marketing Important For Your Business?

Although social media is comparatively a new phenomenon, it is rapidly turning into a quintessential part of the modern marketing mix. Lacking a good social media marketing strategy would be a strategic miss for those companies looking to reach greater exposure in the digital market.
Creating and managing a strong social media presence is an efficient way to build your company’s reputation and showcase your business in the online space.  If you want your company to stand out from thousands of other competitors you need to hire the services of a good Social Media Marketing Agency in Dubai to devise a social media strategy for your business.  These specialized agencies will help your company be found among the other me-too brands and help you enhance your social presence.

One of the biggest advantages of social media is that this gives your business massive exposure   due to its worldwide reach, sharing capabilities, and huge amount of daily users. It delivers instant information about your product or service in the digital marketplace, thus giving you the ability to advertise your products, transcending space and distance. Studies conducted by marketers around the world have proven that interacting in social media networks even 2-3 times per week can significantly enhance your online presence in both the traditional and digital market space. Many brands are using social media as a medium to build new relationships with existing customers and prospective customers outside the four walls of their business.

Social media channels act as proactive tools when it comes to increasing your company trustworthiness. By closely communicating with your clients on a social media channels on a regular basis, you become a trusted source of information which makes it a great asset when creating company awareness and increasing brand credibility. A good Social media managementAgency in Dubai Social media helps you in obtaining speed access to consumers' feedback, both positive and negative and this helps you better your product or service, turn enquiries into leads and ultimately result in upping your sales.  Brands that reply to fans in a prompt, timely and personalized manner are light years ahead of those who don’t do it.

Before you step on to social media for promoting your business, take the advice of a good Socialmedia Agency in Dubai

Friday 17 July 2015

How Advertising Agencies Help You Create Effective Advertising Strategies

For most businesses, advertising is the key to success, for in a market filled with thousands of me-too products, there is a real need to stand out from the crowd and let people that your product can solve their problems or meet their needs.

When a company does not advertise, there is no possibility that anyone in the market will know anything about a business or its unique offerings. People will naturally gravitate towards a known brand that they see being advertised on a regular basis.  While there is always the advantage of word of mouth marketing through people who have used your products or services, it may not quite generate the widespread awareness or recognition of your product or service.

In a competitive marketing place like Dubai, Advertising Agencies are a plenty. That is owing to the highly competitive market environment here and the huge market of expatriates from all over the world.

These advertising agencies in Dubai employ some of the finest talents to cater to the industry and help brands promote themselves in this highly complex and competitive market. 

Advertising lets potential new customers know that you are in business. People like to know the types of businesses that are close to where they live, especially if they are new to the neighborhood and this is where the role of good advertising agencies in Dubai comes to play to help brands position themselves and target the right audience using the right medium at the right time and right location. 

Good advertising can work for your brand when nothing else does. When people see the name of your business over and over again, they will remember the name and when they need a service, they will contact you. Advertising tells the world that you are in business and you are there to offer your services, where you are located, how you can be contacted, and why you are a better choice than your competitors. 

Sunday 12 July 2015

3D Animation - the best solution to revamp your business and give it the much needed boost

In an increasingly competitive business milieu business owners must think of new ways every day to promote their products or services to the world.  Animated films and advertisements are highly successful way of giving your business a boost, as they enhance the complete entertainment experience of target audience. 3 D Animation allows brands to promote their products in new and innovative ways in the market.

In order to help brands showcase their products or services in the best light, many 3D animation Companies in Dubai offer animation services to help brands promote themselves better and exceed the expectations of their customers.  As a fabulous method to reach out to a mass audience, 3 D Animation industry has a great future and is a lucrative business option for agencies already in the related fields including advertising and branding.

For businesses, customer acquisition is just as important as customer retention, and a sure way to grab their attention and gain visibility is by telling your brand story through animated videos. People love watching animated videos because they tell stories in a fun and easy to digest manner and are also highly shareable.

This sharability factor coupled with the vast reach of the internet, can incredibly increase the visibility of your brand or company.

Animated videos are a great way to humanize your brand and ultimately build that much needed trust with customers.  Animated videos are the most successful type of video for humanization because you can create a character modelled on your ideal customer. By doing this, people will be motivated to watch your video or promotional message. They will also be able to relate to your characters, and ultimately become loyal customers.

Video content especially 3D animated videos have the ability to grab the attention of visitors and keep them on your site / watch your promotional message for approximately 6 minutes. It's not just the fun factor of videos that keeps people on your site for longer. Videos also present you as a professional, human and fun company, which encourages people to do business with you.

Give your business the boost it requires with master work done by specialized 3D animation Companies in Dubai.